
Wednesday 3 January 2018

Life Update - Bear With Me

This photo was taken yesterday, my last day at home full time with my gorgeous little boy. As this post goes live, I will be stepping into my new office and starting my first day in a new job.

If you read my last post, you'll know that I mentioned taking some risks during 2017, the biggest one being in my work life. When I went on my maternity leave, I decided to take redundancy from my old job, which became an option due to office relocation during my pregnancy. It was a difficult decision, I went back and forth with the idea many times in my head. If I'm honest, I was going to look for a new job once my maternity leave was going to be coming to an end anyway, so why not do it whilst improving our financial situation too? But there was still that niggling doubt in my mind - what if I didn't get a new job before the money ran out? After a lot of deliberation & persuasion from my loved ones (only one person that I confided in was erring on the side of caution), I took the plunge and told them that I would be leaving.

So I was officially made redundant in November, once my maternity leave had come to an end. My initial plan was to just take December off, enjoy the run up to Christmas with my boy, then start looking for a job in the new year. But you know when curiosity just gets the better of you?! I decided to take a little look online, see what was about, and that's when I came across the ideal job for me. It's still doing something I enjoy, and know I'm good at, in a much better location, and came with hours that were perfect for my situation.

Whilst I am absolutely dreading leaving my little boy, removing myself from the little bubble we had created together, taking this job means that I'll only be working three days a week, so I still get to spend some time with him on my days off. To me it was the perfect solution - I still get to earn the money that we need, whilst still getting that precious time together whilst he is still young. We might not be able to afford as much as we could if I worked full time, but to me time with my son is much more valuable than a few unessential luxuries.

It didn't fit into my "wait until next year" plan, but I'd have been an idiot to pass up the chance of going for this job. I got in touch with the agency, who managed to get me an interview. It didn't go as smoothly as planned, having been in my last job for six years I was a little out of practice, and I honestly thought I'd messed up my chance, so to get the call the next day to say the job was mine was a complete shock - and the best early Christmas present I could've asked for!

It's going to be a hard transition. Not only am I getting used to being back at work after almost a year off, I'll also be getting used to completely new surroundings. But I am looking forward to the challenge and some proper adult conversation. Telling myself that it's just for a few days a week will make it so much easier to leave him in the mornings, plus he will have a lot of fun playing with his cousins, as I have a great family who have offered to look after him whilst I'm working.

So why the "bear with me"? I had planned to write a few blog posts in advance, so that I'd have some content to go up in case I wasn't feeling up to writing whilst I was adjusting to being back at work. Unfortunately, I was ill between Christmas & New Year, so that didn't happen! So it's basically going to be a case of waiting til I have the time/energy to commit to my next post, hopefully it won't be too long!

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas & New Year, and that 2018 will be fantastic for you!

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