Sunday, 6 September 2015

Slimming World Sunday - Veggie Pasta

A couple of weeks ago, I featured one of my current favourite lunches, veggie quiche. Another veggie dish that I've really been loving recently, both for lunch and dinner, has been pasta. I've tried quite a lot of Slimming World pasta recipes in the past, but nowadays just tend to do my own thing rather than sticking to one set recipe.

Some of my favourite recipes are the most simple ones. I like to spend as little money on my weekly food shop as possible (doesn't everyone?!) and when I get home from work in the week, I like to cook something that isn't going to take too long and leave me in the kitchen all evening, so this recipe is ideal for that. It doesn't involve too many ingredients and is ready in less than 30 minutes.

Firstly I fry one large chopped onion in a large pan for a couple of minutes before adding in three chopped peppers (usually one red, one green & one yellow, but whatever we have in is fine) & one chopped courgette and frying for another five minutes. Next I add two cartons of passata, crumble in a vegetable stock cube, then add 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp sweetner & 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar. I then season to taste, bring it to the boil, then leave to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, until the sauce has thickened.

Whilst the sauce is simmering, I cook 350g dried pasta as per the packet instructions. Once that is done, I take the sauce off the heat, drain the pasta, then add it to the pan of sauce and mix well. Normally I would mix in a little bit of the pasta at a time, as adding it all in one go & trying to mix it all in can get a little messy.

It tastes really good and is so easy and cheap to make. This batch usually makes five portions, so we tend to have it as our evening meal, and then have a few portions leftover for lunches at work, which only takes 2-3 minutes to reheat in the microwave. Quite often, if I have my Healthy Extra A choice available, I'll sprinkle my allowance of grated cheese on top, just to make it taste that little bit better!

What's your favourite Slimming World pasta dish?

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